Dental Sleep Apnea Appliance in Broomfield, CO
What is Sleep Apnea?
Dental sleep apnea is an ongoing and important issue that many suffer from. It is a disorder in which breathing is momentarily and repeatedly interrupted during sleep, causing obstruction to your airway. If you have been told that you snore or wake up feeling tired quite often after a full night’s sleep, you may have sleep apnea. Luckily for you, Clear Dental Studio in Broomfield offers sleep apnea solutions to all of our patients.
Signs & Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
If you or your significant have noticed these symptoms, it may be beneficial to have a consult with your dentist and have a sleep study conducted.
What Types of Sleep Apnea Dental Appliances Are There?
There are many types of sleep apnea dental devices, one of the most popular and widely used is the TAP (Thornton Adjustable Positioner) appliance.
TAP Appliance
The TAP appliance is a custom-made adjustable, two-piece appliance that is worn while sleeping for treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It was designed to keep the airway open to allow air to pass by holding the lower jaw in a forward position so that the tongue and soft tissues do not collapse into the throat. This design is easy to fit and allows the patient to adjust the positioning of lower jaw for maximum comfort and effectiveness.
Preventive Dentistry
Schedule Your Preventive Dentistry Appointment with Clear Dental Studio in Broomfield, CO Today!
If you live in the Broomfield area and are in need of a dental evaluation, cleaning, assessment or any other dental services, turn to Clear Dental Studio. Dr. Martha Ha and her team of dental specialists are known for performing exceptional dental work for the residents of Broomfield and beyond and can do the same for you! Whether you need cosmetic, restorative, preventive, or surgery-oriented dental services, the choice is Clear. Call now or book online to schedule an appointment at our office in Broomfield.