Bone Graft & Membrane in Broomfield, CO

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What Is a Dental Bone Graft and Membrane?

A dental bone graft is a minor surgical procedure performed to regrow healthy bone, fill the space where the tooth once was, and to prevent any destruction of healthy bone surrounding the other teeth. Our Broomfield practice commonly performs this to save healthy teeth when an extraction of a tooth has taken place, or when placing a dental implant. Often times a collagen membrane is placed along with it. The surgical dentistry experts at our office in Broomfield can use a membrane as a barrier or blanket that holds the bone particles together so it can regenerate properly.

Where Do They Come From?

Bone materials come in variety of forms such as powder, putty and granules. The bone can be taken from yourself, or be synthetic. However, most commonly, the bone particles are from lab tested and sterilized human and/or animal donors.


Typically, bone grafts and membranes are recommended for the following:

Indications of a Bone Graft and Membrane

By completing a comprehensive periodontal exam your hygienist and/or doctor can determine your periodontal health and detect any active gum disease. If required, they will recommend a protocol that best fits your individualized needs.

Learn more: Find out about all of the dental services we offer at Clear Dental Studio.

Schedule Your Surgery & Sedation Dentistry Appointment with Clear Dental Studio in Broomfield, CO Today!

If you live in the Broomfield area and are in need of a dental evaluation, cleaning, assessment or any other dental services, turn to Clear Dental Studio. Dr. Martha Ha and her team of dental specialists are known for performing exceptional dental work for the residents of Broomfield and beyond and can do the same for you! Whether you need cosmetic, restorative, preventative, or surgery-oriented dental services, the choice is Clear. Call now or book online to schedule an appointment at our office in Broomfield.